In English | 2.4.2024

The Estonian Concrete Building of the Year 2023 is the private residence in Purje Street at Pirita

The Estonian Concrete Building of the Year 2023 is the private residence in Purje Street at Pirita

The Concrete Building of the Year award winners of 2023 were announced at the annual Concrete Day at KUMU on 26th of March, 2024.

The Estonian Concrete Building of the Year 2023 – the private residence of Purje Street at Pirita.

The main award for architecture – ÖÖ-ÖÖ Arhitektid OÜ: Ülo-Tarmo Stöör, Lembit-Kaur Stöör, Silver Liiberg.
Interior architect: ÖÖ-ÖÖ Arhitektid OÜ: Mari-Liis Süld
Client: private individual
Constructor: Estkonsult OÜ
General contractor: Mõttegrupp OÜ
Concrete works: PR Betoon OÜ
Concrete: Heidelberg Materials Betoon AS
Concrete cosmetic: Grest OÜ
Formwork: PERI AS

A short video of the private residence of Purje Street can be accessed in this link >>>

The comment of the jury: “The winning project represents timeless modernism characterised by the simplicity of form and details and filigree of connections. The constructive and engineering-technical implementation of the house is impressive, which is a result of excellent cooperation between the client, the architect, the constructor, and the builder.”

The chairman of the jury, Aadu Kana: ”Great architecture and work of the constructor, everything is in place and well planned (all communications have been hidden, which is a huge and precise preparatory work before concrete pouring). It is evident that all the parties involved in the building of the house love concrete. Filigree execution. This is the very meaning of a concrete house.”

A selection of photos of the winning project can be accessed and downloaded here >>

Special award: the lighthouse of Kalevi Stadium – architecture – molumba OÜ: Karli Luik, Johan Tali, Harry Klaar.

The comment of the jury: “For the development of a new and innovative surface finish of concrete elements and cast-in-place concrete. A distinct and eye-catching architectural solution that fits the landscape well and binds its different functions as a representative entrance house, lighthouse, and technical facility organically.”
The chairman of the jury, Aadu Kana: “Architects and concrete workers have taken great effort with the tower’s concrete elements, created something new and innovative. Let’s hope that the innovative ideas of molumba architects will reach a triumphant ending – due to the lack of finances they have only been realized partially at the moment.“

The winner of the public vote held on Facebook, and organised by the Estonian Concrete Association, is the private residence at Pirita-Kose. Architecture – ÖÖ-ÖÖ Arhitektid OÜ: Ülo-Tarmo Stöör, Lembit-Kaur Stöör.

The special award of the Estonian Association of Civil Engineers was awarded to – the constructor of the overpass of Riia road Kaido Sooru (Skeleton OÜ).

The special award of the Äripäev newspaper was awarded to – the construction company Dreibau OÜ – as the main contractor of the construction of the joint building of Kiviõli Rescue Board and Police and Border Guard Board.

The Concrete Building of the Year competition, organised for the twenty-fourth time this year, has been launched in order to introduce the wide range of uses for concrete to the public and to recognize the people who have used the domestic building material, the opportunity-rich and well-formable concrete, in their projects.
This year the competition received 22 works. The submission was open to concrete buildings and structures and procedures within buildings that were handed over to the contractor within 2023.

The jury of the Concrete Building of the Year 2023 consisted of representatives from the Estonian construction associations: Kalle Vellevoog from the Union of Estonian Architects, Jürgen Einpalu from the Estonian Concrete Association, Indrek Peterson from the Estonian Association of Construction Entrepreneurs, Indrek Laul from the Estonian Association of Civil Engineers, Johann-Aksel Tarbe from the Estonian Association of Architectural and Consulting Engineering Companies, Marina Vaganova from the Association of Construction Material Producers of Estonia, as well as the representatives of construction journalists – Teeli Remmelg, the Editor-in-Chief of the construction publications of Äripäev, Liivi Tamm, the Editor-in-Chief of the magazine EhitusEST, and the Finnish architect Maritta Koivisto – the Editor-in-Chief of the magazine Betoni, and Aadu Kana from Heidelberg Materials Kunda AS as the chairman of the jury.

The Estonian Concrete Association is an association promoting the use of concrete as a domestic building material consisting of 83 companies, organizations and individuals. The Association of Construction Material Producers of Estonia is an association of companies active in the production and sale of construction materials consisting of 60 companies.

Additional information:

Aadu Kana, Chairman of the Jury of the Concrete Building of the Year Award 2023, honorary member of the Estonian Concrete Association, Tel: 50 49 477
Toomas Vainola, Executive Director of the Estonian Concrete Association,
Tel: 50 366 50, 648 1918; e-mail: [email protected]
Marina Vaganova, Executive Director of the Association of Construction Material Producers of Estonia, Tel: 522 5110, 648 1918; e-mail: [email protected]