In English | ISSUE 3/2023

The Paracelsus Medical Private University (PMU) in Salzburg

The Paracelsus Medical Private University (PMU) in Salzburg
Photo credit: Hertha Hurnaus, Berger+Parkkinen

The concept of the laboratories and institute rooms is a continuation of the PMU on the opposite side of the street, which was completed in 2013 and also planned by Berger +Parkkinen.

The idea of a semi-public basement floor is continued in the Institute of Pharmacy with the construction of the urban typology of a large columned hall. The centre of this large hall is an amphitheatre. Surrounded by glass walls, it forms the transparent heart of the building. The massive arches and pillars span the entire ground floor and connect the various areas of the auditorium, seminar rooms, foyer area and staircases. The glass walls allow all parts to merge into an open space.

Typologically, the ground floor resembles a three-aisled “basilica”, whereby the western row of columns follows the sloping line of the old ground boundary. Thus resulting in the entrance hall taking on a conical shape through a series of different arches.

The highest ecological principles were followed in the execution of the plaster facades, using traditional plastering techniques with multi-layer thick plaster on mineral wool insulation, with a high-quality waterglass-based paint finish.

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