Betonilehti magazine

Betoni is a magazine that introduces widely concrete architecture and structures, environmental and infrastructure construction, the latest information on concrete construction, research and development projects and the most interesting references from Finland and abroad. The magazine also presents the latest concrete art and design.

The features and news covered in the Magazine build up the development picture of concrete architecture and technology as well as industrial construction, both in Finland and on the international scene. Standing columns include the technical columns and training programs organized by Concrete Industry Ltd. Betoni Magazine also serves as a communication tool providing information on various events in the industry.

The Magazine is designed for developers, designers and builders in the construction trade, as well as for public employees and professionals working in business and industry. Betoni Magazine is also distributed to various research and educational institutes. Betoni Magazine was founded in 1930.

Betoni Magazine is a member of the Finnish Magazine Media Association.

It comes out four times a year, with 96-120 pages in each issue.

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Wohnregal, Berlin

In English | Issue 3/2021

Wohnregal, Berlin

The “Wohnregal” is a 6-story building in Berlin housing live/work ateliers. It was built using precast concrete elements common in industrial warehouse construction: pillars, beams and TT-ceilings (ceiling elements including…

Scandic Grand Central Helsinki

In English | Issue 3/2021

Scandic Grand Central Helsinki

The new Scandic Grand Central is one of Finland’s most unique hotels in Finland, after its completion in early 2021. The Helsinki Railway Station, which was designed by Eliel Saarinen…

The Mall of Tripla

In English | Issue 3/2021

The Mall of Tripla

The Mall of Tripla, the largest construction project in Finland and the second busiest railway station in Finland, comprises three city blocks and extensive underground facilities, serving as a central…

Guide for conducting condition surveys on masonry and rendered facades

In English | Issue 3/2021

Guide for conducting condition surveys on masonry and rendered facades

The new Guide covers both fair face facades and their use as a rendering substrate, as well as insulation render systems. Although all the above facade structures and their damage…

Compact Air project – Investigation of compaction

In English | Issue 3/2021

Compact Air project – Investigation of compaction

The Compact Air project aimed to determine possibilities to reduce the amount of compaction pores to reduce the risk of segregation. In the first phase of the project, existing test…

Development of eco-innovative technology for concreting in the arctic region

In English | Issue 3/2021

Development of eco-innovative technology for concreting in the arctic region

In Betoni 3/2019, we introduced our ARCTICecocrete project, which was funded by the Interreg Nord EU program. This article presents the main results of the project, which ended during the…