Betonilehti magazine

Betoni is a magazine that introduces widely concrete architecture and structures, environmental and infrastructure construction, the latest information on concrete construction, research and development projects and the most interesting references from Finland and abroad. The magazine also presents the latest concrete art and design.

The features and news covered in the Magazine build up the development picture of concrete architecture and technology as well as industrial construction, both in Finland and on the international scene. Standing columns include the technical columns and training programs organized by Concrete Industry Ltd. Betoni Magazine also serves as a communication tool providing information on various events in the industry.

The Magazine is designed for developers, designers and builders in the construction trade, as well as for public employees and professionals working in business and industry. Betoni Magazine is also distributed to various research and educational institutes. Betoni Magazine was founded in 1930.

Betoni Magazine is a member of the Finnish Magazine Media Association.

It comes out four times a year, with 96-120 pages in each issue.

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Preface: Climate anxiety

In English | ISSUE 2/2024

Preface: Climate anxiety

The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra has posted on its website a lifestyle test you can take to calculate your own carbon footprint. When completing the test, I noticed it is…

Timeless cast-in-place housing architecture

In English | ISSUE 2/2024

Timeless cast-in-place housing architecture

Cast-in-place housing cooperative Panorama completed in Kauklahti area of Espoo comprises three similar apartments with slightly different facilities. Each apartment is 113 square metres in size, consisting of a living…

Spore initiative – a multifunctional building & cultural center in Berlin Neukölln

In English | ISSUE 2/2024

Spore initiative – a multifunctional building & cultural center in Berlin Neukölln

The ‘Spore Initiative’ was completed in 2023, designed for the non-profit foundation Spore Initiative and is located in the bustling urban neighborhood of Hermannstraße in Berlin-Neukölln. Serving as a community…

LOIKKA – Halving CO2 emissions of concrete

In English | ISSUE 2/2024

LOIKKA – Halving CO2 emissions of concrete

LOIKKA was research & development project aiming at 50% reduction of CO2-emissions of concrete. According to the targets, the reduction should be achieved in year 2028. The project consisted of…

New guidelines for steel fibrereinforced concrete

In English | ISSUE 2/2024

New guidelines for steel fibrereinforced concrete

The existing guidelines for the design of steel fibre-reinforced structures in Finland need to be clarified. However, the official design guidelines are now on the way! The second-generation Eurocode (SFS-EN…

An update completed to Concrete Association’s 2007 publication Concrete Floor Moisture Management and Coating

In English | ISSUE 2/2024

An update completed to Concrete Association’s 2007 publication Concrete Floor Moisture Management and Coating

Moisture management of concrete floor structures has been under development in Finland since the 1990s. Further development is needed to improve the productivity of construction and this guidebook brings together…

Round-robin tests of concrete testing laboratories in 2023

In English | ISSUE 2/2024

Round-robin tests of concrete testing laboratories in 2023

Round-robin tests have been organized annually for accredited concrete testing laboratories. In 2023, compressive strength and protective pore analysis with thin and polished section were tested. Totally 15 testing units…

The Estonian Concrete Building of the Year 2023 is the private residence in Purje Street at Pirita

In English | 2.4.2024

The Estonian Concrete Building of the Year 2023 is the private residence in Purje Street at Pirita

The Concrete Building of the Year award winners of 2023 were announced at the annual Concrete Day at KUMU on 26th of March, 2024.

Preface: Promoting sustainable construction with Concrete

In English | ISSUE 1/2024

Preface: Promoting sustainable construction with Concrete

Concrete construction and concrete as a material come up in every single building project in some manner. The articles of this Magazine also present many awarded projects in which concrete…

Concrete Structure of the Year 2023: Raide-Jokeri – new light rail line in Helsinki

In English | ISSUE 1/2024

Concrete Structure of the Year 2023: Raide-Jokeri – new light rail line in Helsinki

The high-speed light rail line Raide-Jokeri is a large-scale project that showcases exemplary project management and is of great significance to the society and the urban environment. It improves crosstown…

Environmental Structure of the Year 2023: Näsi Park Bridge in Tampere

In English | ISSUE 1/2024

Environmental Structure of the Year 2023: Näsi Park Bridge in Tampere

The Näsi Park Bridge in Tampere was built using in an exceptional manner the structure of the old vehicle bridge for the new purpose of use, and landscaping the bridge…

Residential Company As Oy Töölön Castellum

In English | ISSUE 1/2024

Residential Company As Oy Töölön Castellum

A complex of three high-rise buildings has been completed in the old Töölö area of Helsinki. It has not been an easy feat to fit the new largescale building with…