New park in Vantaa’s Kivistö area

In English | ISSUE 3/2022

New park in Vantaa’s Kivistö area

The new functional and urban park with children’s playgrounds and lounging areas as well as a versatile stormwater channel running through it, was given the name Timanttikiteenpuisto – Diamond Crystal...

Preface: The ugly duckling

In English | Issue 2/2022

Preface: The ugly duckling

Concrete has in the political sense been for the past twenty years or so a “material non grata” – an undesirable material, at least to some extent. Concrete construction and...

Concrete Structure of the Year 2021: Mylly building of Uniarts Helsinki

In English | Issue 2/2022

Concrete Structure of the Year 2021: Mylly building of Uniarts Helsinki

The new Mylly building of the University of the Arts Helsinki was selected the Concrete Structure of the Year 2021 and praised for its individualistic and skilled architechtural and structural...

Finnish Design Shop, Turku

In English | Issue 2/2022

Finnish Design Shop, Turku

Finnish Design Shop is the world’s largest online store of Nordic design. The company’s fast growth accelerated during the pandemic, as physical stores needed to close their doors. The new...

Concrete facade on school centre looks like wood

In English | Issue 2/2022

Concrete facade on school centre looks like wood

The Monikko school centre completed in Espoo’s Leppävaara area in 2021 combines masonry and concrete structures in a new fashion. The old, partly protected school building was attached to the...

Patina finish and translucent colouring of concrete

In English | Issue 2/2022

Patina finish and translucent colouring of concrete

Patina finish, glazing and Umbra colouring as well as translucent protective finishes are concrete dyeing methods which do not cover the concrete surface but keep the material feel visible. The...

As Oy Säästökontu implemented complex facade renovation successfully

In English | Issue 2/2022

As Oy Säästökontu implemented complex facade renovation successfully

Housing Management Company Säästökontu in Espoo won the Facade Renovation Project 2021 Award for a successfully implemented facade renovation. The “Taskumattitalo” (hip flask house) in Tapiola, designed by architect Viljo...

CONCRETE OPTIMISM – On sustainability of concrete and architects’ influence in the era of climate change

In English | Issue 2/2022

CONCRETE OPTIMISM – On sustainability of concrete and architects’ influence in the era of climate change

Concrete is the most used building material in the world and the production of its central constituent, Portland cement is a carbon intensive and hard to abate process. Because of...

Cement industry uses various means to reduce carbon dioxide emissions

In English | Issue 2/2022

Cement industry uses various means to reduce carbon dioxide emissions

The cement industry has for quite some time already taken plenty of efforts to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from cement production. The carbon neutrality goal defined by the cement industry...

Competition for architecture students in renovation and updating of suburban buildings

In English | Issue 2/2022

Competition for architecture students in renovation and updating of suburban buildings

A competition was organised to architecture students at universities and universities of applied sciences for plans and ideas on renovation projects of seven four-storey apartment buildings built towards the end...

Vuoden 2021 Betonirakenne: Taideyliopiston Mylly – tehtiin kestäväksi

Rakennukset | NRO 2/2022

Vuoden 2021 Betonirakenne: Taideyliopiston Mylly – tehtiin kestäväksi

”Palkittu rakennus edustaa uudenlaista rohkeata tarkoituksenmukaisuuden arkkitehtuuria. Uusi estetiikka lähtee kestävyydestä ja siitä, että yhdellä materiaalilla, tässä tapauksessa betonilla, luodaan tilat, tekstuurit ja rakennetaan samalla runko tulevaisuuden sallivilla jänneväleillä. Kun muotit on purettu – se on siinä – kerralla tehty tuleviksi ajoiksi – rouhea kasvualusta taiteen iduille – ja samalla itsessään väkevä”, kiteytti Kimmo Lintula, arkkitehti SAFA, tuomariston perustelut. Kohde on esitelty laajasti myös Betoni 3-2021 lehdessä, ss. 10–29.

Finnish Design Shop

Rakennukset | NRO 2/2022

Finnish Design Shop

Finnish Design Shop on maailman suurin pohjoismaisen designin verkkokauppa, jonka nopea kasvu vain vauhdittui pandemian aikana, kun fyysiset kaupat sulkivat ovensa. Uusi rakennus sisältää yli sataan eri maahan toimittavan logistiikkakeskuksen, pääkonttorin, tuotteiden näyttelytilat ja ravintolan. Kestävä kehitys oli voimakkaasti mukana kaikissa valinnoissa – julkisivut ja lattiat tehtiin betonista.